
Network of Churches and House-churches

This is our original calling, to plant congregations and house churches, and connect them in an apostolic network. Through this network we will help, encourage and support each other in our mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and spread the kingdom of God. Click on the image to visit our Norwegian website.

New Life Bible Centre

We experienced early on that the Holy Spirit commissioned us to start an evening Bible school in the congregation in Sandnes. This has now expanded to become a physical evening Bible school in our premises in Sandnes, but is also digitally available to everyone on Facebook. In the fall of 2020, we also started our English Bible school online. Click on the picture to join the English Bible school on Facebook.

New Life Bible Centre Publishing House

We also run a publishing house where we print and publish books. Until now, we only have books written by Arild Teikari, but our wish is for the publisher to publish books by all the ministers in New Life Apostolic Network. Most of the books are currently only in Norwegian, but we have so far translated a book into English. You can find it in our English webshop here on this website. If you want to visit our Norwegian online store, you can click on the image.

Norwegian Facebook Page For The Network

We have a Norwegian Facebook page where we broadcast all our services live and where we also broadcast the Norwegian evening Bible school live. All meetings and conferences are also announced here. Click on the picture to visit our Norwegian Facebook page.

Nytt Liv Tv

We run a Norwegian YouTube channel which we call Nytt Liv TV. Here we have posted  recordings from services and conferences, in addition to own produced content that is posted exclusively on the channel. Click on the image to visit our YouTube channel.

Prophetic and Apostolic Conferences

We arrange several conferences throughout the year. These often have a prophetic or apostolic focus. The  conferences are organised primarily in our apostolic center in Sandnes, but we have also arranged conferences elsewhere both in Norway and abroad. Click on the image to visit the Facebook group for our New Life Fivefold Conference.

Minister Training, Equipping and Releasing

An important part of our apostolic mandate is to constantly train, equip and release new preachers into the ministry that God has for them. We therefore have a strong focus through various forums, on identifying God's election in our church attendees, and then training them and leading them in their potential.

Preacher's Pool

The preachers in the network meet several times a year for fellowship with one another, to encourage each another, and to be connected. Here the apostle, Arild Teikari shares the direction that the Holy Spirit has set for us for the time ahead.

Teaching and Training in the Prophetic

One of the things God has called us to be is prophetic churches and a prophetic voice for the nations. This involves teaching about the true and sound prophetic dimension that God has for his church. At the same time, we must also open up for the prophetic ministry in our congregations, and train and teach new people that God has called to be prophets. Click on the image to visit the digital prophetic school that Arild Teikari has posted on our YouTube channel.

Street Evangelism and Praying for the Sick

As a network, we want to have an evangelistic focus. Here, the apostle, Anders Sørensen in particular leads the way. He and the congregation, New Life Jæren are very active in evangelizing on the streets and praying for the sick, and they experience many wonderful healings taking place. Click on the picture to visit New Life Jæren Facebook page.

Reach New Places to Plant New Churches

God has called us to reach farther and farther out. He has sent us to set cities and villages, where there is little previous Christian work, on fire for Jesus. We therefore send teams to new places with the goal of continuously planting new congregations wherever God sends us. Here you can see a team trip to Sauda in Norway, where we used a kindergarten in which to hold the meetings.

The list above is a small sample of what New Life Apostolic Network is working on.