Lets build the Kingdom of God together:

How to join the New Life Apostolic Network 

as a minister

God has raised us all up for a time like this, to spread His kingdom here on earth. Jesus has commanded us all to go out into all the world and preach his gospel, and see multitudes repent, receive salvation and be baptized in water and be baptized in the Spirit. In addition, we are told to make disciples and teach them all that Jesus has commanded us.

This involves the truth that the Holy Spirit is now restoring to his global church, namely that he is bringing the church back to the original -  the Fivefold Church. This is a  church where all five ministry gifts are functional and given the space they need to operate. Here, the church does not consist of an audience, but of disciples who have all been released into their function in the believers'  ministry.

This is what the Holy Spirit has placed on us in the New Life Apostolic Network, as a responsibility with great weight. As we feel this call and this charge from the Holy Spirit, we also see how God opens doors for us, in a way we could not have dreamed of.

Therefore, we will take up the apostolic responsibility that we have been given, in helping to lead the church of God into what lies ahead, that we may all arise in his glory, as fivefold churches, where everyone is functioning.

We believe that the end times will be a wonderful time of harvest, but for that to happen, the church must return to the way it was in the beginning.

We will therefore invite into our network those who wish to participate in this refreshing and restoration. This does not mean that you have to see all the aspects of the fivefold church. However, you must appreciate that this is God's will and God's way for the church, and be willing to let yourselves be changed to become more and more of a minister in a fivefold church.

Both individual ministers without a church, and ministers in churches that want to be part of our network, can apply to become a minister in the New Life Apostolic Network.



You must believe in, preach and practise the whole gospel. Jesus won a total victory on the cross, which means that when he cried out that it was

finished, it applied to our salvation, our healing, and our deliverance. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation, for healing from all diseases and afflictions, and tor deliverance from demons and strongholds of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus.


Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit had come upon them,  so they would have the power to witness about Him throughout the world. Life in the Holy Ghost is crucial to our ability to witness. A prerequisite for applying for membership in the New Life Apostolic Network is that you believe in and practice the baptism in the Holly Spirit, speak in tongues and welcome all the spiritual gifts in the congregation's meetings. We are totally dependent on the Holy Spirit, and we therefore want as much as possible of what He has for us.


Peter said in his Pentecostal speech: "Repent and be baptized, and you will be saved!" This shows how baptism is meant to take place after repenting in your heart from a life in sin, and after receiving salvation in Jesus Christ, by believing in your heart and confessing with his mouth that Jesus is Lord. Baptism is more than just a symbolic act. In baptism one buries the old body of sin, the old life in sin, and one rises with Jesus Christ to live in Him. To join as a minister in the New Life Apostolic Network, you must practice baptism of believers.


To apply for membership in the network, you must have a desire to build fivefold churches. This does not mean that you already have to be building fivefold churches, but you must be willing to change. If, on the other hand, you are happy with the traditional congregation, the old wine skins, where a pastor has to do everything in front of a passive congregation, then this network is not for you. We believe in congregations where all five ministry gifts are in operation and where the entire congregation is to be active in the believer's ministry.


The most important thing we have in our worship services is the presence of God. Without God filling the house with His glory and presence, we have nothing. The churches shall all be built up to become dwellings for God in the Spirit, where God can dwell in the midst of his people. That was why God commanded Moses to build the tabernacle. Now the individual Christian and the congregation are the temples of God in the new covenant, where God will dwell with his presence. The preachers that apply must therefore have praise and worship in Spirit and truth as a prioritised part of their worship services and in their lives.


In order to apply for membership in the New Life Apostolic Network, it is crucial that you are led to this step by the Holy Spirit. If your motivation for applying for membership is based either on church policy reasons or on a hope of being able to receive financial support from the network, you will not be accepted as a member of the network. We desire only those who experience that the Holy Spirit places the calling on them. Neither we nor you are to build our own kingdom. Therefore we shall only do what the Holy Spirit leads us to do. Before you apply, please make sure you seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this, therefore.


Ministers that want to apply for membership in the network must be able to show that they have a sound and biblical teaching. The sum of God's Word is truth; thus one cannot build one's theology on a few detached verses, but must look at the total picture that God's Word paints. One such important area of sinful abuse in recent years is the so-called "extreme grace" preaching. Here it is important that you as a minister balance the preaching of grace against the need for sanctification and a holy life.

How to apply

and the process to become a member of the network

The first thing you need to do to become a member of the New Life Apostolic Network is to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit about whether to become a member or not. Next, you need to bring it up with your congregation if you are a member of one. If you still feel that you should apply, you should fill out the application form, which you will find the link to below. 

Once you have submitted your application, we will review your responses and ask for confirmation by the Holy Spirit on what you have shared. Here too we will want to talk to you online, where we go deeper into who you are, what you stand for and what you are involved in. If we experience that the Holy Spirit confirms that you should become a member, we will give you first a trial membership of one year. After that year, you become a full member of the New Life Apostolic Network with all that entails.

We hope that God will connect us, and that together we will spread His kingdom throughout the world!

Your brother in Christ
Arild Teikari
Leading Apostle